
“Walls protect, and walls limit..”*

Do you ever look around at your life and have the feeling that the way things seem on the surface is disconnected to who you truly are at your core?

When I asked that question, was there a small voice somewhere that said something like “I’ mean yeah, but... but who the heck even AM I down to the core?”

“Sure, this is somebody’s pretty ok life, and they have some good things going on, they should definitely be grateful for… but it just doesn’t feel like mine?”

You’ve read the books and blogs, and tried the self help meditation apps, and tried to make choices that are supposed to help but you still can’t seem to break through.

Like there’s some invisible wall between you and “that place over there” that you can’t ever seem to get around or over, or through no matter what you try.

And you’re kinda done with it.


… it is in the nature of walls

that they should fall

Every one of us has built the house we live in.

We gather the raw materials over the course of living, passed down from generations before, out of what was leftover, or what we were told we deserved. Many of us built them on our knees, with our bare hands in the mud.  We gather, we build our life. We keep what works. What gives shelter. What feels safe.

Then maybe the pipes start rattle and keep us awake all night. One by one, the lights flicker and burn out. We look around and we don’t remember whose idea this peeling wallpaper even was. Everything feels familiar, but there’s mold settling into the walls, nothing seems to do what its supposed to do. Then one day, we try the door, and the knob just rolls in the socket, and we think “how in the hell did I get myself stuck in this place?”


That walls should fall

is a consequence

of blowing

your own trumpet…

I know. You really are stuck. I’ve been there. Rolling the same damn doorknob over and over thinking “I’ve got to figure out how to get out of here. I can’t live my whole life this way.”

Maybe you see some of yourself in that little allegory I just described. You formed an image in your mind of that house, and that image is unique to you. Formed by your thoughts about yourself, your past experiences and how you are feeling right now, whether you had breakfast today.

Every life has challenges, but the meaning we give them determines the structural landscape of our lives, and how we feel about what we see. We build our lives by gathering experiences, understanding what they mean and setting that meaning into place.

Let me tell you a secret: You get do decide what you make it mean. That’s the foundation of our work together. You built the walls that served you at the time, but this is not that time, and you are no longer the same person. My work as your Coach is to help you break down the walls that are holding you back.